Fiscal Support

Winter Film Awards believes it is critical to support the work of emerging filmmakers and has established a Fiscal Sponsorship program to help out.

Using a fiscal sponsorship arrangement offers a way for you to attract donors without going through the trouble and expense of getting your own tax-exempt status under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Winter Film Awards will serve as the administrative “home” of your Film. Charitable contributions are given to us, and we in turn grant them to support your film. Your donors will receive a tax deduction, and may be able to get matching funds for the arts from their corporate employers.

Please contact us at for more information.

Fiscally Supported Projects



After a night of partying, Ella wakes up in a random luxury home which turns out to belong to infamous Italian mafia boss, Tony Patranelli. Things take a twisted turn when she finds herself in a morbid situation, leading her to meet some of the “goodfellas” along the way. Is she in danger? Is this all part of “the plan”? Or is this just a … prickly situation?

“Cactus” is a dark comedy that tests your judgments about who somebody is and how actions can sometimes show maybe not your stereotypical view of ones character. Things can turn out funny when you assume the worst.


CACTUS is a fiscally sponsored project by Winter Film Awards. Please donate to support this project!

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Meet Lila Green

Meet Lila Green

Meet Lila Green is a story of a domestic violence survivor’s ability to rise above her circumstances by giving back. This is an inspirational journey filled with growth, personal triumph, and the unconventional methods that include men as a part of the healing process and reinforcing each human’s capability to achieve their goals.


We monitor a journey of growth, personal triumph and the healing process. The main plot emphasizes the story of Lila Green, a domestic violence survivor who found recourse by giving back to fellow domestic violence survivors with a calendar called Hunks 4 Hope that raises funds for two grassroots sister organizations – Milagros Day Worldwide and Casa De Esparanza Para Mujares Y Niňos through the help of men. Throughout the process, Lila recognizes that her story is preventing her true ability to grow. With this in mind, she becomes inspired by the same programs her charities contribute to. In 2016, Lila attends the Milagros Day Worldwide boot camp as a participant. By following Lila, we introduce the male’s role in domestic violence both as a perpetrator and healer. As the film progresses, we will continue to monitor Lila as her personal growth and discovery leads her deeper toward accomplishing her goal of establishing Hunks 4 Hope as a successful non-profit organization.


MEET LILA GREEN is a fiscally sponsored project by Winter Film Awards. Please donate to support this project!

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The Deal

The Deal

Once you are ensnared in the drug culture it changes you. Lives are ruined. Friends become bitter enemies. You become everything you never thought you would become.

Blake Scottman, the heir to the Scottman Energy Corporation, is planning to propose to his girlfriend at her birthday surprise party. But when Blake is sold a new drug “street tang” that results in her death, he enacts revenge on the Dealer, who just so happens to be a disgruntled former employee of Scottman Energy.


CACTUS is a fiscally sponsored project by Winter Film Awards. Please donate to support this project!

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